Мир, земля, хлеб!

☆Marxist. Leninist. ML. Mspec. "Stalinkinnie". Sovietboo and actual Slav. He/comrade. Based and (b)re(a)dpilled.☆
The Other Extremists' Caards
Being an Americuck, Anti-DPRK, Syria, China, Cuba & Venezuela, pro-Kulak or pro-landleech. Left anarkiddies on thin ice.
Reading list
Have read:
Lenin. The three sources and three component parts of Marxism
Lenin. Karl Marx
Marx, Engels. Manifesto of the Communist Party
Historical Materialism
Marx, Engels. The German Ideology, chapter 1
Scientific Socialism
Engels. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Lenin. What is to be done?
Lenin. State and Revolution
Lenin. Texts against revisionism and opportunism:
The historical destiny of the doctrine of Karl Marx
Opportunism and the collapse of the Second International
The collapse of the Second International
Imperialism and the split in Socialism
Certain features of the historical development of Marxism
Marxism and Revisionism
Marxism and Reformism
Lenin. Left-wing Communism: and infantile disorder
Engels. Anti-Dühring, part III: Socialism
Stalin. The foundations of Leninism
Mao. On contradiction
Engels. Anti-Dühring, part I: Philosophy
Engels. Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of classical German philosophy
Marx. Theses on Feuerbach
Political Economy
Marx. Wages, price and profit
Engels. Anti-Dühring, part II: Political Economy
Marx. Capital Volume I
Lenin. Imperialism, the highest stage of Capitalism
Manifesto of the Communist Party - Marx and Engels
The Principles of Communism - Engels
Draft of a Communist Confession of Faith - Engels
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific - Engels
Study Guide for Engels’ Socialism: Utopian & Scientific
Study Guide: Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific Commentary
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific Study Guide
The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism - Lenin
Foundations of Leninism - Stalin
Karl Marx: A Brief Biographical Sketch With an Exposition of Marxism - Lenin
Declaration of the International Communist Seminar
The Programme of the Communist International
Why Communism?: Plain Talks on Vital Problems
Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism
From Marx to Mao Tse-tung
The Science of Revolution
Reader's Guide to the Marxist Classics
The ABC of Communism
Principles of Marxism-Leninism
An Introduction to Marxism
The Theory and Practice of Socialism
Various Study Guides
What is Marxism?
Anti-Duhring - Engels
Capitalist Realism
Why Marx was Right
What is Marxism-Leninism?
Marx and Other Four Letter Words
Reader's Guide to Marxist Classics
Marx Diagrams
The Programme of the Comintern 1929
The C-word: comm**ism. What is it, and why is everybody so afraid of it?
The Science of Marxism
Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism
Basic Principles of Marxism-Leninism - A Primer
The State - Lenin
The Dual Power - Lenin
The Proletarian Revolution and Khrushchev's Revisionism - Mao
“Democracy” and Dictatorship - Lenin
The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky - Lenin
Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution
First Congress of the Communist International
On Protracted War - Mao
Problems of Strategy in Guerrilla War Against Japan - Mao
On the People's Democratic Dictatorship - Mao
The Party's Mass Line Must Be Followed in Suppressing Counterrevolutionaries - Mao
On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People - Mao
Socialism Is the Class Dictatorship of the Proletariat
Continue the Revolution Under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat to the End
Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses - Althusser
Possibilities of Building Socialism Without Passing Through the Stage of Developed Capitalism
On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
Strategy and Tactics of the Proletarian Revolution
Reading in Leninism: The Dictatorship of the Proletariat
A Socialist-Oriented State: Instrument of Revolutionary Change
Dialectical Materialism: The Science of Marxism Explained
The State in Capitalist Society
The Pristine Culture of Capitalism
Marxism and the State
The History of Democracy
Why Is So Much Research on the State Inadequate for Analysing the Socialist State?
Friedrich Engels: The State as a ‘Separated Public Power’
Introducing Marxist Economics
Law of Value- the series
Walmart Central Planning
The Beginning of History
Class Structure: A Critical Perspective
Karl Marx's Labor Theory of Value
Understanding The Labour Theory of Value
Piketty against Piketty. The tendency of the rate of profit to fall in United Kingdom and Germany since XIX century confirmed by Piketty's data
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital
Debt: The First 5,000 Years
Simon Clarke’s Guide to Capital: All Three Volumes
The Failure of Capitalist Production
The Unmaking of Marx’s Capital
What Is Alienation?
A Faint Rattling: A Research Note on Marx’s Theory of Value
A note on the organic composition of capital and profit rates
Reclaiming Marx's Capital
Testing the Labour Theory of Value: An Exchange
The Empirical Strength of the Labour Theory of Value
What is at stake in the debate on value
Value, Price of Production and Market Price
The Scientific Status of the Labour Theory of Value
The Long-Period Method and Marx’s Theory of Value
The limits of Ricardian value: law, contingency and motion in economics
Testing the labor theory of value in Sweden
Testing Labour Value Theory with input/output tables
The Development of Marx's Theory of the Distribution of Surplus Value
Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy - Engels
Is There a Tendency for the Rate of Profit to Fall?
Frontiers of Political Economy
The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics
The Economics of Socialism
Demography and the falling rate of profit
The Marxian Economic Handbook And Glossary
Transformation Problem?- Math supplement
The Foundations of Capitalist Economy
If Marx’s Math is Fundamental, Why Do So Few Teach It?
Capitalism - Anwar Shaikh
On Socially Necessary Labour
Labour value and equalisation of profit rates: a multi-country study
Input-Output And Dynamic Values: A Spanish Perspective
Debt, Economic Crisis, and the Tendential Fall in the Profit Rate
Is Marx’s Theory of Profit Right?
The Law of Worldwide Value
The Transformation from Marx to Sraffa
The historical transience of capital
Determinants of the average profit rate and the trajectory of capitalist economies
Marxian reproduction prices versus prices of production: probability and convergence
Marxian debates on the falling rate of profit
Revisiting a world rate of profit
Realisation Crises and the Polarisation of Capital
The Decline of Capitalism
Am Reading:
The Course of the Profit Rate
The Principles of Economic Policy of the Communist Party Explained to Economists
Capital as Power
Calculation in-Natura, from Neurath to Kantorovich
The Beginning of History
Communism: the Abolition of Private property
Das Kapital for Beginners
Is There a Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall?
The Great Recession
The Capitalist Cycle
Seventeen Contradictions and The End of Capitalism
The Enigma of Capital
Transformation Problem Discussion Post
What makes the US Profit Rate Fall?
Entropy of Capitalism
The General Impossibility of Neoclassical Economics
The Types of Economic Policies under Capitalism
The Long Depression
Surplus Value Production and Realization in Marxian Theory
Man's Worldly Goods
Debt, Economic Crisis, and the Tendential Fall in the Profit Rate
The Falling Rate of Profit in the Postwar US Economy
The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics
The Multiple Meanings of Marx’s Value Theory
An Introductory Explanation of Capitalist Economic Crises
Marxist Theory of Value
Capital and Surplus Value
Wages and Accumulation of Capital
Distribution of Surplus Value
The Transition to Socialist Economy
Critique of the Gotha Programme
Annotations to Karl Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Programme
Economic Calculation and Forms of Property
Political Economy: Socialism
Centralised Planning of the Economy
Planning a Socialist Economy, Volume 1
Planning a Socialist Economy, Volume 2
Real problems of socialism and some answers
Is Economic Planning Hyper-computational?
Towards a New Socialism
Supplemental Chapters
Why law of value really applies in socialist economies
Economic planning, computers and labor values
Value, Markets and Socialism
Calculation, Complexity And Planning: The Socialist Calculation Debate Once Again
The New Solution to the Transformation Problem
Socialist Renewal: Lessons from the "Calculation" Debate
Socialist alternatives to capitalism I: Marx to Hayek
Socialist alternatives to capitalism II: Vienna to Santa Fe
On Ljunggren’s ‘Plan and Market’
Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism
Computers and Economic Democracy
Need to read:
Economic Planning Diagram
Socialist planning after the collapse of the Soviet Union
The Ideal Communist City
The Socialist System